Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Paranoid Parents

I was watching TV today and I saw a commercial for a new application where you can set up a security system in your house that sends a message to your phone to let you know when your kids or whoever else comes in the door.
As much as this is interesting and in some aspects a "good idea", I find it weird and perhaps a bit crazy. It just opens up new doors for parents to become even more paranoid about where their child is. Say for example that kid missed their bus, or got a friend to drive them back to their house and that kid forgot to tell their parents. Now their parents probably know exactly what time they come home from school, but when that time comes, theres no message. It would just create havoc and worry for that parent for no good reason.
But on the other hand, with the world today and how it is with kidnappings and what not, it is a good idea and could bring some peace of mind to parents.

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